Friday, August 20, 2010

culinary experiments: take one

for a long time i have had a blog. it has been inactive for a year or two now, with the decision that i didn't want to create a blog again unless it was "about something". i have decided now too, because i have the time and the inspiration to create a blog about something...the most important relationship we have...our relationship with FOOD. i want to include recipes here, ideas, delicious things i have tasted, delicious things you have tasted, and food i have yet to taste but hope to. it is hard to talk about food, without been labeled a foodie (whats up with labels anyway)- but i really believe that more of us think about food, in many contexts, than we actually talk about. i always think that i even if i have nothing in common with someone, there is always going to be something that binds us, is part of our humanity and is such a part of our lives, often without us even realizing it---food. what else, breeds more fellowship, creates a deeper sense of belonging, than gathering around a table, and...breaking and sharing bread together? food is such a common thing. it is more than a thing, it is what many of our lives revolve around, which can mean many different things in many cultures. whether it is a lunch date, a dinner party, a potluck, or a livelihood where mouths depend on one gathering food and creating a meal, food is what nourishes us, what provides our bodies with energy. its what allows us, if nothing else will-to be reminded of our commonality with one another. food is traditional, it is modern. it is new and old and stable yet changing. food is exciting, colourful, simple and complicated. food does not try to be something that it is not. it is what it is. and how much we can learn from food, all the way from seed to harvest to production to consumption. food should be cheap, yet we are led to believe its expensive. food should be chemical-free, yet this can be hard (or expensive!) to find. we should eat in what we believe in, whether is it meat, dairy, grains, veggies, fruits, legumes...any or all of these. i personally believe in eating a meat, and mostly egg-free diet. this is what makes the most sense to me, and i will continue to eat this way until it stops making sense. (i will get into politics more later...).
mostly, i want this blog to be a place of sharing. where i share my thoughts and ideas and i hope you (whoever you are) shares theirs. we have so much to learn from each other. i hope this place to be a place when i can lay my food 'pretentions' aside and live in the joy and art, that is- creating food together.
so- to all the readers, cook, eaters, gardeners, cashiers and all of us who play a part in this food picture...i raise my glass to you, and cheers this new online adventure!!

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